Civil 3D

Design and documentation software for civil infrastructure
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What is Civil 3D?
Civil 3D is a comprehensive design and documentation software for civil engineering and infrastructure industries.
- Work with a 3D model-based design environment for better design decisions and project quality with tools for design automation, analysis and optimisation.
- Streamline documentation with a design-driven approach by automating plans production based on your 3D design Model.
- Harness the power of BIM (Building Information Modelling) for greater design co-ordination and project collaboration with more integrated workflows throughout the project lifecycle.
What is Civil 3D?
Civil 3D is a comprehensive design and documentation software for civil engineering and infrastructure industries.
- Work with a 3D model-based design environment for better design decisions and project quality with tools for design automation, analysis and optimisation.
- Streamline documentation with a design-driven approach by automating plans production based on your 3D design Model.
- Harness the power of BIM (Building Information Modelling) for greater design co-ordination and project collaboration with more integrated workflows throughout the project lifecycle.
Explore what is possible with Civil 3D by project type.
Civil 3D includes purpose-built tools for critical civil engineering disciplines. See how Civil 3D works to assist the user in designing and building better roads, sites and rail projects.
Download, create, analyse and adjust survey data.
Corridor Modelling
Create dynamic, flexible 3D models of road corridors.
Intersection Design
Create dynamic models of 3-way or 4-way intersections.
Drainage Design
Perform storm water management tasks, including storm sewer design.
Road Rehabilitation
Automate assembly generation for your rehab corridor design model.
Download, create, analyse and adjust survey data.
Terrain Modelling
Create comprehensive digital models of ground topography for studies such as land use feasibility transports system planning and water flow simulation.
Corridor Modelling
Create dynamic and data-rich corridor mode ls for designs such as residential roads, kerbs and footpaths, swales within a subdivision and carpark design.
Stormwater and sanitary sewer
Model storm and sanitary sewer systems. Analyse networks to resize pipes, reset inverts, and compute energy and hydraulic gradient lines.
Stormwater analysis
Integrate stormwater and wastewater analysis during planning and design of urban drainage systems, stormwater systems and sanitary sewers.
Pressurised utilities
Model horizontal and vertical 3D design of pressure pipe networks.
Design automation
Use a visual programming application to generate scripts that automate repetitive and complex tasks.
Materials and quantities
Use materials and sectional or profile information to create reports for volumes along an alignment, comparing design and existing ground surfaces and quantity take-off.
Alignments and profiles
Use rail alignments to create rail lines with common stationing based on specified tolerances that adjust with changes to parent rail alignment geometry, profile and cant.
Special trackwork design
Design turnouts for branching alignments and crossover switches connecting parallel alignments based on a library of turnout and crossover types that you can edit, delete or supplement.
Corridor modelling
Build 3D track corridor models, including alignments, profiles and assemblies. Incorporate designs for switches, turnouts, platforms and calculations for cant.
Platform edge design
Design platform edges for light or heavy rail using single or dual platform subassemblies with a dynamically updating platform edge running along a track.
Design automation
Use visual programming to generate scripts that automate repetitive and complex tasks, including electrification, signalling and other system elements.