Civil Survey Solutions is pleased to announce its compliance with the guidance from the GeoSpatial Council of Australia and Engineers Australia regarding Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

CPD points are allocated based on the hours of instruction or the length of a presentation. Details on CPD allocations can be found in our course catalogue, following the guideline that one hour of instruction equates to one CPD point.

Civil Survey Solutions offers a variety of CPD activities, including short courses, workshops, workplace learning, seminars, and industry conference presentations.

Upon completing a CPD activity, Civil Survey Solutions will provide a certificate of completion, which includes the CPD allocation for the course or session. It is your responsibility to record and maintain sufficient supporting documentation for any subsequent auditing requirements.

What is CPD?

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) can be broadly defined as any learning that enhances your knowledge, understanding, and experience in a particular subject area or role. CPD includes activities that expand your knowledge and teach you new skills.

CPD activities are a well-established method for maintaining or assessing accreditation renewal, and many professional accreditations and associations require their members to actively develop and maintain professional integrity.

Relevant CPD Guidelines from Engineers Australia and the GeoSpatial Council of Australia:

Engineers Australia CPD Policy | October 2019

CPD can be undertaken in various forms, including formal, structured learning as well as private study. Engineers Australia has specific conditions regarding the types of CPD you must complete to maintain your membership. CPD can include:

  • Any tertiary course taken individually or as part of a formal postgraduate award
  • Short courses, workshops, seminars, conferences, technical inspections, and meetings
  • Workplace learning activities that enhance competence in your area of practice or engineering
  • Private study that extends your knowledge and skills
  • Service to the engineering profession
  • Preparation and presentation of materials for courses and conferences
  • Tertiary teaching or academic research
  • Structured activities that meet the objectives of the CPD policy

For more information on CPD for Engineers, watch this webinar: Continuing Professional Development for Engineers, presented by Chetan Kabra, Senior Client Manager, NSW, this webinar explains the importance and requirements of CPD for engineers.

GeoSpatial Council of Australia | 2023

Formal Education & Training – This category is broadly defined as learning (knowledge and skills acquisition) delivered through a formal education or training programme, resulting in the awarding of a certificate or qualification. Typically, this education and training is provided by academic institutions, a registered training organisation (RTO), or an accredited industry trainer. The formal education and training must directly relate to improving or updating professional capabilities – 1 point per hour (contact hours only).

About The Author

Civil Survey Solutions

We are the leading provider of civil engineering and survey software solutions and services in Australia.

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